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来源:学大教育     时间:2013-12-22     

集体名词在句中用作单数还是用作复数,后面该接单数动词抑或复数动词,这些都应根据不同情况或意义来处理。 集体名词分类如下: 【1】有些集体名词在句中通常作复数用,后接复数动词。 这些集体名词为:people, police,?clergy, cattle,?poultry,?vermin,?militia等。 The people of Norway are called?Norweigians. The police are making?enquiries?into the?robbery. 警方正在调查这桩抢劫案。 The poultry have been fed. 家禽已被喂过饲料。 These vermin (害虫) are harmful to the crops. The militia (民兵) were also called out to help keep order. The clergy (牧师) are mostly recruited from theological schools(神学院). 注: poultry不指家禽而指家禽肉时,用单数动词,通常前无冠词。例如: Poultry is rather cheap now. 【2】有些集体名词在句中作单数用。 这些名词如machinery, merchandise(货物), foliage([总称]树叶)等。 Modern machinery has been installed in this workshop. The valuable merchandise was thrown overboard (被扔至海中) in order to save the vessel in the storm. Dense green foliage affords a restful sight. 茂密的绿叶呈现出一派闲适宁静的景象。?


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