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来源:学大教育     时间:2013-12-22     


I share the room with Isabel. She is tidiness itself(=very tidy).

The sentence is simplicity itself! ( = very simple) .

例: Mr. Smith is prudence ______.

A. himself B. itself C.in itself D. in himself

[分析] 答案 B. 试题中由于主语是人(Mr. Smith ) ,学员往往会选 A 或 D,但实际上这是一个 强调结构,因prudence是抽象名词。

Mr.Smith is prudence itself. = Mr. .Smith is very prudent. 这一特殊强调结构有一个变体,即 be+all+抽象名词。这两个强调结构可以相互换用而意思不变。试看以下两组例子:

At the moment, Freddy was all energy(浑身是劲=very energetic).

At the moment, Freddy was energy itself (= νery energetic).

Jessica has a loving heart. She is all kindness(=very kind).

Jessica has a loving heart. She is kindness itself ( = very kind).

all+抽象名词和抽象名词+ itself 一样,也用作表语,在最大程度上体现该抽象名词的性质或情况,现再举数例以飨读者:

When he spoke, we were all attention(聚精会神地听着).

Rose will be all anxiety(焦急不安)until she hears from her brother.

Bob is all eagerness(非常渴望)to see Rue.

“I cannot help being all astonishment(惊叹不止),” said Nelson. “whenever I reflect on what we have achieved.”

They showed us into a big office, all noise and bustle (一片喧哗忙乱). [all noise and bustle 前去掉which was]

Hearing the false accusation. Ambrose stood up from his chair, all rage and indignation (怒气冲冲).


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