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小学五年级英语Module 4 Unit 1练习题

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-03-30     

学习是一个循序渐进的过程,也是一个不断积累不断创新的过程。下面学大教育小编为大家整理了小学五年级英语Module 4 Unit 1练习题,欢迎大家参考阅读!


1. I ______ an English teacher now.

2. She _______ happy yesterday.

3. They _______ glad to see each other last month.

4. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.

5. The little dog _____ two years old this year.

6. Look, there ________ lots of grapes here.

7. There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.

8. Today _____ the second of June. Yesterday ______ the first of June. It _____ Children’s Day. All the students ______ very excited.

以上是学大小编为大家提供的小学五年级英语Module 4 Unit 1练习题,更多内容请关注学大教育五年级英语栏目。



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